Hello & welcome!

I’m Jessie Kavanaugh, an integrative healer and conscious creator based in Los Angeles. Kava Luna is the vessel that holds my holistic healing and creative work.

Extensively trained in a variety of modalities such as Spiritual Psychology, Reiki and Herbalism, I take a holistic approach to helping my clients optimize their lives. Together we dive deep into YOU to uncover and heal past traumas, misbeliefs and old stories. Releasing all that no longer serves you while gaining useful tools to continue living as your most expansive, authentic self.

A lifetime nurturer, I have always felt a calling to be of service to others. In 2011, after a period of personal uncertainty, career dissatisfaction and the illness, then later loss of my father, I heard the message loud and clear: SURRENDER. Once I surrendered to my calling, my path illuminated itself.  I must begin to heal myself before I could help others heal. I had to gain the tools to guide from a space of experience and knowledge. And this key point stuck with me:

I am not here to heal you. I am here to help you heal yourself. YOU are the healer. I am simply your guide.

Through my personal process, I became particularly intrigued by the alternative healing methods that were bringing me so much awakening and growth. After completing my studies in Spiritual Psychology, I was led to my pursuit of knowledge and certification in herbalism, Reiki energy work, and death doula facilitation.

Now, with over a decade of training and experience, I support my clients to dive deep into their own healing journey and re-awaken to their highest, more fulfilled self.

I look forward to connecting with you!


Soul-Centered Living I: Spiritual Psychology

University of Santa Monica

Life Mastery & Soul-Centered Living II:
Advanced Spiritual Psychology

University of Santa Monica

Certified Reiki Master & Teacher
Venice Holistic Energy Healing

Reiki Level II Certification
Venice Holistic Energy Healing

Reiki Level I Certification
Ceremony Meditation

Certified Master Herbalist
Trinity School of Natural Health

Certified End of Life Doula
Quality of Life Care: School of Accompanying the Dying